What Gets Measured Is Not Always What Gets Done

What Gets Measured Is Not Always What Gets Done

I’ve had an abysmal few months when it comes to reading books cover to cover as I keep inching toward my 1,000-book goal. And I’m perfectly OK with that because it’s for good reason.

As it turns out, I've started but did not finish reading far more books over the last few months. And, as I’ve explained previously, if I don’t finish a book—no matter how far in I get—it doesn’t get added to my list. 

I’ve abandoned or temporarily set aside these books for various reasons...

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Five (More) Lessons from Reading Over 300 Books

Five (More) Lessons from Reading Over 300 Books

As at July 2017, I have 300+ books read, 30% of a 1,000-book reading challenge I started in April 2013 (though I didn't quite know it at the time). 

I expected to learn a great deal from the books I expected to read but what I didn't expect were the lessons I would learn from the act of reading itself. I guess you could call these additional lessons a great add-on bonus throughout this process. 

After reading the first 100 books, I offered ten lessons the experience had provided. 

Then, after the next hundred, I thought I'd provide the next tranche of lessons. There happened to be five more.

This time? Another five.


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Book Review: "Money Talks"

Book Review: "Money Talks"

What's my rating for "Money Talks"?

I gave the book a 5 out of 5 Rockstar rating.

“Money Talks” makes it easier to engage in money conversations we’d otherwise avoid. This book is the ultimate how-to book for just about any money conversation. Using an astounding seventy-five different scenarios organized in this eight-part, 400+ page book, Gail covers everything from emotional manipulation, to managing change, to addressing power and control issues.

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Book Review: "Scarcity"

Book Review: "Scarcity"

What's my rating for "Scarcity"?

I gave the book a 4.5 out of 5 Rockstar rating.

The insights I gained while reading this book has informed no fewer than sixteen articles and a number of talks I’ve written and delivered since discovering it in 2014. It helped me explain a number of situations I’d faced or witnessed others face where, no matter what we did over the short to medium-term, our situation seemed to either stay the same or get worse, almost akin to being caught in a rip tide.

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Book Review: "Victory Lap Retirement"

Book Review: "Victory Lap Retirement"

What's my rating for "Victory Lap Retirement"?

I gave the book a 4 out of 5 Rockstar rating.

Victory Lap Retirement offers up a good dose of inspiration, thanks to co-authors who are living what they advise and you can tell they’re enjoying this phase of their lives. I get the feeling they’re just getting started. Further, they share a great deal of their experience throughout the book by sharing their personal story at every stage, from how they managed their careers to planning and executing their “Victory Lap”. Their positivity and energy is infectious.

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