Bank Roll vs Bankrolled

Bank Roll vs Bankrolled

We live in a debt culture. The majority of us have debt of some kind, be it a mortgage, student loans, a car loan, a line of credit, carrying a balance on our credit or store card(s), a government-endorsed loan against retirement savings, a buy-now-pay-later purchase, a payday loan, a pay advance, a debt owing to a bookie or dealer, or a mix of the above. 

While many would argue that the seriousness of the various types of debt varies from “good debt” to “avoid at any cost,” I would argue that the fundamentals of how they affect our behaviour and how we feel are generally the same...

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Liquid Courage - The Freedom Elixir

Liquid Courage - The Freedom Elixir

A popular movie plot often involves a main character who throws caution to the wind, leaving everything behind to follow a lover or to pursue a passion that's been left unattended for too long. We’re always rooting for this individual, no matter how unlikely success might appear. The reason we cheer them on is because those decisions make life unbelievably exciting. What a rush!

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